It has been a while since I posted something. As many of you know, I write under a couple of pen names and I have taken the leap of self publishing. As part of my efforts to build that brand, I participated in a blog tour this summer. A post a week on other people's blogs and hosting a post a week on mine. Problem wasn't I didn't have my blog setup very well so I recently remade it. It looks much better now and I'd like to invite anyone who follows this blog to follow that one. It is doubtful I will very often do more than one post at a time. Though I'm going to have three posts in quick succession because I'm going to list all my posts on other blogs.
So, my silence really wasn't me being quiet, it was me rambling on elsewhere. Now, if I'd been smart, I would have done all this before participating in that blog tour, but we live and learn. It was a fun and challenging experience, and it resulted in a flash fiction that I rather like.
If you have a chance, check it out and see how not silent I was this summer. I could use the traffic.
Such a admirable post. Acceptance for the share. It was complete arresting and informative.